Digitalisation of the German administration

Germany is facing significant challenges in the area of digital administrative administrative services. An international comparison shows that the satisfaction with digital government services and the frequency with which they are used in Germany still lags well behind other countries. This article summarises the key findings of the Boston Consulting Group Digital Government Citizen Survey 2023 and provides insights into the situation of E-Government in Germany.

Overall satisfaction:

Germany ranks near the bottom of the satisfaction scale regarding digital government services. With a net satisfaction rate of less than 50 per cent, Germany is in one of the bottom places worldwide, surpassed only by Japan and Austria. Dissatisfaction is exacerbated by a lack of transparency and services perceived as slow and complex.


Frequency of use:

The survey shows that despite a generally high level of digital affinity, the use of digital government services in Germany is comparatively low. This is attributed, among other things, to the limited range of services and the unsatisfactory implementation of existing services. For example, unlike in other European countries, no central apps integrate many E-Government services. It is instead a patchwork of services that barely anyone can see through.


Personalisation and digital identity:

The study reveals a great reluctance among German users regarding the personalisation of services using additional data sharing. Regarding digital identity, Germans are more likely to rely on payment and financial service providers than state providers.


The report concludes by highlighting the urgent need for Germany to take action in E-Government to reduce the gap with other countries and increase trust in digital administrative services. Recommendations include a stronger focus on best practices from the private sector, a consistent user orientation and the use of automation and AI to increase the efficiency and quality of administrative processes. How long it will take for Germany to catch up to E-Government role models such as Estonia or Denmark remains to be seen. What is certain that there is still a lot to do.