DigEqual Partners Meet in Aveiro for Productive Project Planning

The DigEqual project partners gathered in Aveiro, Portugal earlier this month for their Transnational Project Meeting (TPM). The two-day meeting was hosted by the University of Aveiro on November 14-15, 2023.

Over the course of the TPM, partners discussed progress on the project’s key intellectual outputs so far. DomSpain and P-Consulting provided an update on the development of the digital skills course for adult learners and educators (IO2). Polygonal outlined work on the mobile app for accessing e-government services (IO3).

The University of Aveiro shared insights from local piloting of the digital course, including feedback received. All partners aligned on plans for Europe-wide pilot activities in the next phase of the project.

The group reviewed project dissemination efforts to date, including website content, social media engagement and EPALE contributions. They also discussed upcoming multiplier events to showcase DigEqual’s results.

The hosts were praised for their stellar hospitality and excellent meeting facilities, which facilitated productive discussions. The partners left Aveiro energized and focused on completing the remaining project tasks on schedule.

The next phase of DigEqual will involve finalizing the digital outputs and executing the ambitious piloting across partner countries. The consortium remains committed to equipping adult learners with crucial digital skills for full participation in the e-world.