e-Procurement Forum
Area of e-government: e-government literacy/services

The e-Procurement Forum – established under the joint chairmanship of the Digital Italy Agency and the Ministry of Economy and Finance – has the task of creating a suitable
space for the realisation of consultation, proposal and monitoring activities in the field of e-Procurement.
The Forum – coordinated by the Digital Italy Agency – can be attended by representatives of public administrations, associations of economic operators, sector technology providers, universities and research institutes.
The Forum is entrusted with the following activities:
- examining the new national and European e-Procurement regulations
- disseminating information on eProcurement issues through seminars, conferences, press articles,
- identify and foster the exchange of experiences and best practices to facilitate the emergence of interoperable solutions
- monitor the evolution of the eProcurement market
- develop and deepen issues on eProcurement, also indicated by market operators and public administrations, through the activation of working groups