University of Aveiro holds DigEqual Project Multiplier Event

On January 29, 2024, the University of Aveiro, in collaboration with the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (IEFP), held the DigEqual Project Multiplier Event. The event was attended by 20 IEFP trainees. The main objectives of the Dig-Equal project are to contribute to knowledge of the factors that determine the use of online public […]
University of Aveiro pilots DigEqual project in Portugal with IEFP trainers

On January 12, 2024, the University of Aveiro, in close collaboration with the National Center for the Qualification of Trainers (CNQF), promoted the DigEqual Project Pilot, an initiative in which 15 trainers linked to the Employment and Professional Training Institute (IEFP) network took part. The Dig-Equal Project was conceived with the central aims of contributing […]
Advancing Digital Education through Successful Multiplier Event in Greece recently organized an impactful multiplier event in Patras, Greece as part of our work on the DigEqual project with the Multiplier event titled: “Digital Education for Adults and Adult Educators in e-government access through context based gamified scenarios | Active Citizens of the 21st century: The digital journey of the Digequal project”. As a […]
Digitalisation of the German administration

Germany is facing significant challenges in the area of digital administrative administrative services. An international comparison shows that the satisfaction with digital government services and the frequency with which they are used in Germany still lags well behind other countries. This article summarises the key findings of the Boston Consulting Group Digital Government Citizen Survey […]
DigEqual Partners Meet in Aveiro for Productive Project Planning

The DigEqual project partners gathered in Aveiro, Portugal earlier this month for their Transnational Project Meeting (TPM). The two-day meeting was hosted by the University of Aveiro on November 14-15, 2023. Over the course of the TPM, partners discussed progress on the project’s key intellectual outputs so far. DomSpain and P-Consulting provided an update on […]
Our 3rd Newsletter is ON! Welcome to the Latest DigEqual Update!

We’re excited to invite you to check out the 3rd newsletter for the DigEqual project! This European initiative aims to increase digital literacy and e-government engagement among adults. The latest newsletter provides an inside look at the progress being made. Highlights include: A 4-day training event in Leipzig focused on building skills in e-government and […]
Leaving Leipzig LTTA with smiles!

Last week, our partners, WISAMAR, in Leipzig, organized a truly memorable educational experience! The icebreaker activities with delightful surprises were absolutely amazing, and the gamification methods pertaining to eGovernment and security were equally impressive. We also engaged in a Kahoot quiz focused on Leipzig and our project, DigEqual. This quiz enhanced our knowledge about the […]
How does DigEqual classify e-government for adults & educators?

We are delighted to share our latest project result, which aims to provide a robust conceptual background and methodology for adult educators and training centres to support their work with low-skilled adults. In today’s digital age, being able to navigate e-government scenarios is essential for individuals to access public services and assert their rights effectively. […]
DigEqual: A Timeless Concept

Justice has always been a pompous concept, on the name of which, many deeds, dirty or otherwise, have been carried out. It is a word that certainly, always comes with the feeling of righteousness, solidarity and fellowship, and equality. A word that is usually met in epic, literature stories, lost in the ancient past, the […]
Bridging the Digital Divide | We Welcome our 2nd Newsletter

We’re excited to share the 2nd newsletter from the DigEqual initiative. This project aims to increase digital literacy and e-government engagement across Europe. In this newsletter, read about: The first in-person meeting of partners in Cori, Italy. Collaborators connected face-to-face to align on project management, evaluate progress, and map out next steps. Completion of Project […]